domingo, 28 de novembro de 2010

La magia del color y la luz. (Macro)

A man and his bird - 1

A man and his bird - 4

park walk nov 2010

park walk nov 2010

park walk nov 2010

On a dark desert highway

On a dark desert highway

On a dark desert highway

quarta-feira, 24 de novembro de 2010

Frosted trees by a lake between Andenes and Sortland, Norway (HDR)

This photo was featured by the Picasa team, so I guess I'll explain it a little. I'm in Andenes preparing for a sounding rocket experiment (part of my Ph.D. work), and went out last night with my camera hoping to catch some aurora. There was a little, but nothing really unusual. I figured it would be a good chance to at least figure out how to set the camera to get good shots. After a little while, the aurora started to brighten, and then almost instantaneously broke out into a huge storm. The photo doesn't show the red light as well, but there was a good mix of color, and a ring formed, expanded, swept across the sky and danced all around me. The storm only lasted about two minutes, and I was very fortunate to have been there to witness this show. I did get some other photos, so I'll try to put a few more up when I get a chance. I'll have some more too when I get up to Svalbard for the launch. Thanks, everyone, for the comments!

Here's what the shore looked like today (22 Nov). The picture doesn't really give you much scope of how violent the seas were, how brisk (and cold!) the wind was, and how quickly even my cold-developed body was yelling at me to quit taking pictures and get inside. It's been strange having southerly winds blowing out to sea; this northern wind is vicious! And I was hoping to go swimming today. Maybe tomorrow...

Here's what the shore looked like today (22 Nov). The picture doesn't really give you much scope of how violent the seas were, how brisk (and cold!) the wind was, and how quickly even my cold-developed body was yelling at me to quit taking pictures and get inside. It's been strange having southerly winds blowing out to sea; this northern wind is vicious! And I was hoping to go swimming today. Maybe tomorrow...

segunda-feira, 22 de novembro de 2010



Sunset Clarkston, Washington



Big Sur

Big Sur

Big Sur

Big Sur

Big Sur


La caserne Molitor attend sa destruction



Depuis l'Opéra, une belle journée d'octobre


Le bus 138 me ramène chez moi

sábado, 20 de novembro de 2010

Trek des annapurnas

Trek des annapurnas

Deportes - Sports




CRADLE OF HUMANKIND This is believed to be the place the humankind began. The oldest human fossils.

Külmunud Regensberg


Teasing Georgia/


Kukehari lumes